New Class! Two-Color HTV Tea Towel featuring Chemica HotMark Revolution (plus what's coming up this fall!)

New Class! Two-Color HTV Tea Towel featuring Chemica HotMark Revolution
(plus what's coming up this fall!)

Want to learn more about working with heat-transfer vinyl but don’t own a heat press? Come join me for this class featuring Chemica (pronounced “SHEM-a-ka”) HotMark Revolution, a heat-transfer vinyl product that can be easily applied on a variety of materials, using just a home iron! Lycia EvanoffLycia is a lifelong crafter whose goal is…

Creative Cutters Tattoos & Glitter

Creative Cutters – Tattoos & Glitter

If you’ve visited my blog before, you’re probably aware that I host a monthly Creative Cutters group 🙂 . Besides showing off all the wonderful things a Silhouette machine can do, my goal in this group is to demonstrate some of the many specialty products available for the Silhouette and give students a chance to…

Silhouette Saturday: last call for registration plus a BIG thank-you to our sponsors!!!

Silhouette Saturday: last call for registration
plus a BIG thank-you to our sponsors!!!

Silhouette Saturday is just around the corner and there’s only a few more days until registration closes on March 4. I am so excited to be presenting this workshop and want you to be a part of the fun! You will learn a lot and have the opportunity to make some new Silhouette friends. I’m very…

Creative Cutters

Creative Cutters: Glass Etching (and more!)

I can’t think of any better way to spend an evening than crafting with friends. And lucky for me, I get to spend one night a month with the Creative Cutters group! Our topic for February was “Glass Etching (and more!)” with the “more” being a paper project. Several new people were in attendance, four…

It’s here!!! Silhouette Saturday: A Hands-On Workshop

It’s here!!! Silhouette Saturday: A Hands-On Workshop

Caught by Design is starting off 2018 with a bang! Over the past few months, I’ve received several requests to host a Silhouette workshop and today I’m pleased to announce the first Silhouette Saturday! Early bird price of $149 available until January 31, 2018 Space is limited, so if you’re interested in attending, don’t delay…

Creative Cutters: Print & Cut, Paper, and PixScan

Creative Cutters: Print & Cut, Paper, and PixScan

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is just around the corner. The year has certainly flown by! My ambitions are always pretty high when it comes to Christmas crafts and my “want to-do” list is much longer than time ever allows. Seeing all the cute project ideas on Pinterest and…